Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Essay on Nathaniel Hawthornes The Artist of the Beautiful

Nathaniel Hawthornes The Artist of the Beautiful He had caught a far other butterfly than this. When the artist rose high enough to achieve the beautiful, the symbol by which he made it perceptible to mortal senses became of little value in his eyes while his spirit possessed itself in the enjoyment of the reality. -Hawthorne, The Artist of the Beautiful. In The Artist of the Beautiful by Nathaniel Hawthorne, creative process is represented as the practice of creating an animated mechanism in the shape of a butterfly and imbuing it with the spirit of Owen Warland – the pursuer of beauty. Owen is confronted with the skepticisms of Robert Danforth, a blacksmith, and Peter Hovenden, a retired watch maker. Both Robert†¦show more content†¦However, Hawthorne stresses the importance of the process – the intellectual thought process, effort, and imagination – of creating art rather than the usefulness of the product. From the beginning of the story, Owen Warland, a watchmaker, is alienated from the rest of the characters. Owen struggles against his own self-doubt as well as the disbelief in his efforts expressed by the other characters. He is directly contrasted and compared to Robert Danforth the blacksmith, who produces practical tools, by Owens former master, Peter Hovenden. Clearly, Peter looks down upon Owen for working on watches and machinery that has less value than a Dutch toy (Hawthorne 332). After his work has been destroyed once by Annie Hovenden, Owen withdraws himself from work. When Annie gets engaged to Robert, Owens health falters, he loses motivation, and he becomes unfit to work. Throughout the story, Owen walks a lonely path while the incredulous world assails him with its utter disbelief (337). My personal experience in visual arts tells me that sometimes artists may prefer being alone. Although Owen is alienated from the rest of the characters due to the social atmosphere in the story, when I worked on the largest pencil drawing I have ever done, I worked strictly alone; I did not listen to what others had to say about my drawing. Some did not like how I was approaching my drawing, but I felt maybe they will understand once they see the finished product. IShow MoreRelated Hawthornes The Artist of the Beautiful, Pollacks Stitches in Time, and Jungs The Spirit Man, Art and Literature1453 Words   |  6 PagesNathaniel Hawthornes The Artist of the Beautiful, Barbara Pollacks Stitches in Time, and Car Jungs The Spirit Man, Art and Literature The artist has been a mystery to many of us: unexplainably driven in his work; seemingly unconcerned with any other aspects of his life; often oblivious to the world around him. 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